
Ethiopia blasts Trump remark that Egypt will ‘blow up’ dam

Ethiopia blasts Trump remark that Egypt will ‘blow up’ dam

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia on Saturday denounced “belligerent threats” over the huge dam it has nearly completed on…
GERD construction may stall because of financial problems: former minister

GERD construction may stall because of financial problems: former minister

The construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) may stall, as the Italian companies that are set to build…
Ethiopia increases GERD storage capacity to 74 billion cubic meters without research

Ethiopia increases GERD storage capacity to 74 billion cubic meters without research

Ethiopia has increased the storage capacity of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) from 11 to 74 billion cubic meters,…
Former Egyptian minister slams Ethiopia’s move to use GERD to generate power as ‘thuggery’

Former Egyptian minister slams Ethiopia’s move to use GERD to generate power as ‘thuggery’

Egypt’s former Minister of Irrigation Mohamed Nasr Allam has condemned an Ethiopian announcement stating that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam…
Ethiopia bans flights over dam for security reasons – aviation chief
Middle East

Ethiopia bans flights over dam for security reasons – aviation chief

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Ethiopia has banned all flights over its giant new hydropower dam on the Blue Nile for…
Ethiopian migrants held in Saudi Arabia call it ‘hellish’

Ethiopian migrants held in Saudi Arabia call it ‘hellish’

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — From a filthy cell in Saudi Arabia, the Ethiopian migrant spoke on a smuggled phone,…
Ethiopia tells UN ‘no intention’ of using dam to harm Egypt, Sudan

Ethiopia tells UN ‘no intention’ of using dam to harm Egypt, Sudan

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed told the United Nations on Friday that his country has “no…
At UN assembly, Sisi speaks of Egypt’s concern over GERD

At UN assembly, Sisi speaks of Egypt’s concern over GERD

During a Tuesday speech to the 75th UN General Assembly, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that Egypt’s people are deeply…
Ethiopia files terrorism charges against leading opposition activist

Ethiopia files terrorism charges against leading opposition activist

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Ethiopia has filed terrorism charges against a prominent media mogul and opposition politician from the Oromo…
Ethiopia faces series of challenges on international and domestic fronts

Ethiopia faces series of challenges on international and domestic fronts

Ethiopia’s government, led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has found itself in a quagmire of rising domestic and international tensions,…
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