Japan adopts green growth plan to go carbon free by 2050
December 25, 2020
Japan adopts green growth plan to go carbon free by 2050
TOKYO (AP) — Japan aims to eliminate gasoline-powered vehicles in about 15 years, the government said Friday in a plan…
Congress takes aim at climate change in massive relief bill
December 22, 2020
Congress takes aim at climate change in massive relief bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — The huge pandemic relief and spending bill includes billions of dollars to promote clean energy such as…
Red Sea’s coral reefs face existential threat from overfishing
December 20, 2020
Red Sea’s coral reefs face existential threat from overfishing
The coral reefs at the Red Sea reserves are in grave danger as a result of rising environmental violations including…
Endangered-species decision expected on beloved butterfly
December 14, 2020
Endangered-species decision expected on beloved butterfly
Trump administration officials are expected to say this week whether the monarch butterfly, a colorful and familiar backyard visitor now…
50 volunteer divers participate in Red Sea cleanup campaign
December 11, 2020
50 volunteer divers participate in Red Sea cleanup campaign
Under the supervision of an international diving organization, 50 volunteer divers on Friday will gather to participate in a campaign…
World carbon dioxide emissions drop 7% in pandemic-hit 2020
December 11, 2020
World carbon dioxide emissions drop 7% in pandemic-hit 2020
A locked-down pandemic-struck world cut its carbon dioxide emissions this year by seven percent, the biggest drop ever, new preliminary…
AP PHOTOS: Animal attacks taking their toll in Kashmir
December 1, 2020
AP PHOTOS: Animal attacks taking their toll in Kashmir
SRINAGAR, India (AP) — Amid the long-raging deadly strife in Indian-controlled Kashmir, another conflict is silently taking its toll on…
Photos: Overfishing of sharks in the Red Sea sparks outcry
November 30, 2020
Photos: Overfishing of sharks in the Red Sea sparks outcry
There’s a stark difference in the monetary value between a shark in the Red Sea and one at the fishing…
Egypt’s Electricity Ministry plans to use renewable energy in desalination projects
November 27, 2020
Egypt’s Electricity Ministry plans to use renewable energy in desalination projects
The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy is currently working on water desalination projects that employ renewable energy, especially wind…
Environment Ministry reopens diving sites in South Sinai
November 26, 2020
Environment Ministry reopens diving sites in South Sinai
The Environment Ministry’s Environmental Affairs Agency announced that under a set of new requirements, some diving activity may resume for…