December 2012 constitutional referendum

Morsy orders military to maintain security until referendum complete

Morsy orders military to maintain security until referendum complete

President Mohamed Morsy issued a law on Sunday ordering the Armed Forces to maintain security and protect vital state facilities…
Brotherhood lawyers fined for withdrawing challenge to Administrative Court judges

Brotherhood lawyers fined for withdrawing challenge to Administrative Court judges

The Administrative Court has fined Muslim Brotherhood lawyers LE1.47 million for withdrawing appeals they had previously filed in an attempt…
Opposition forces scorn Morsy’s concession

Opposition forces scorn Morsy’s concession

A concession offered by President Mohamed Morsy failed to placate opponents who accused him on Sunday of plunging Egypt deeper…
Demonstrators march to join sit-in at presidential palace

Demonstrators march to join sit-in at presidential palace

Hundreds of protesters from around Cairo marched on the presidential palace late Sunday afternoon, joining a sit-in that has camped…
Qandil calls for sit-ins to end before constitutional referendum

Qandil calls for sit-ins to end before constitutional referendum

Prime Minister Hesham Qandil on Sunday called on all political forces, whether supporters or opponents of President Mohamed Morsy, to…
Ten injured in clashes between Brotherhood and opposition in Beheira

Ten injured in clashes between Brotherhood and opposition in Beheira

Five police officers and five others were injured in renewed clashes Saturday between anti-government demonstrators and Muslim Brotherhood members in…
Analysts: Morsy’s recent moves might lead to further upheaval

Analysts: Morsy’s recent moves might lead to further upheaval

Egypt's Islamist president, Mohamed Morsy, overreached by giving himself broad powers and trying to ram through a new constitution without…
Opposition protesters to march again to presidential palace

Opposition protesters to march again to presidential palace

Several political parties and movements once again plan to march to the presidential palace Sunday to protest the constitutional declaration…
Morsy bows out of national dialogue to ensure neutrality

Morsy bows out of national dialogue to ensure neutrality

President Mohamed Morsy has left the “national dialogue” meeting, delegating it to Vice President Mahmoud Mekky, in order to ensure…
Anti-Morsy protesters shut down Mugamma

Anti-Morsy protesters shut down Mugamma

Dozens of protesters against President Mohamed Morsy closed down the Mugamma overlooking Tahrir Saturday, as demonstrations against the president continued.…
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