December 2012 constitutional referendum

Opposition parties organize against draft constitution

Opposition parties organize against draft constitution

Opposition parties and movements are preparing for the constitutional referendum on 15 December, with the April 6 Youth Movement mobilizing…
Muslim Brotherhood students to hold pro-Morsy rally Tuesday

Muslim Brotherhood students to hold pro-Morsy rally Tuesday

The Egyptian Student Union (ESU) announced it would participate in a mass demonstration planned for Tuesday to show support for…
Presidential spokesperson blames tax debacle on political tension

Presidential spokesperson blames tax debacle on political tension

“Mistakes happened over the past few days due to political conflicts,” presidential spokesperson Yasser Ali said Monday, referring to President…
Egyptian expats to start voting on constitution Wednesday

Egyptian expats to start voting on constitution Wednesday

Expatriate Egyptians are expected to vote on the new constitution Wednesday at 150 Egyptian embassies and 11 consulates around the…
Strong Egypt Party to mobilize voters against the constitution

Strong Egypt Party to mobilize voters against the constitution

The Strong Egypt Party lauded President Mohamed Morsy’s cancellation of the constitutional declaration, but also announced the launch of a…
Stock market falls again after constitutional referendum rejection

Stock market falls again after constitutional referendum rejection

The Egyptian stock exchange dropped Monday after gaining Sunday, as a main opposition coalition rejected President Mohamed Morsy’s plan to…
Monday’s papers: Islamists vs civil powers, round two

Monday’s papers: Islamists vs civil powers, round two

After the National Salvation Front, representing numerous opposition parties, announced yesterday that it rejected the constitutional referendum that the president…
Assiut Judges Club votes against supervising constitutional referendum

Assiut Judges Club votes against supervising constitutional referendum

The Assiut Judges Club voted against supervising the upcoming constitutional referendum, scheduled for Saturday, during an emergency general assembly meeting…
Islamists to demonstrate in Cairo, Alexandria, Assiut Tuesday to support Morsy

Islamists to demonstrate in Cairo, Alexandria, Assiut Tuesday to support Morsy

Islamist forces are organizing three mass demonstrations in Cairo, Alexandria and Assiut on Tuesday, titled “National Consensus,” in support of…
National Salvation Front rejects constitutional referendum

National Salvation Front rejects constitutional referendum

The National Salvation Front, the main liberal opposition group to the government led by President Mohamed Morsy, announced its categorical…
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