
CBE extends exemptions on fees and commissions due to coronavirus surge

CBE extends exemptions on fees and commissions due to coronavirus surge

The Central Bank of Egypt’s Board of Directors on Monday has chosen to extend several decisions taken to confront repercussions…
Oxford vaccine expected to change rules of fighting the coronavirus
Health & Fitness

Oxford vaccine expected to change rules of fighting the coronavirus

The Financial Times reported that the Oxford AstraZenka vaccine, set to be approved within several days, will turn the tide…
Cairo Opera House says Christmas concerts not canceled due to coronavirus

Cairo Opera House says Christmas concerts not canceled due to coronavirus

Spokesperson for the Egyptian Culture Ministry Mohamed Mounir said that the Cairo Opera House’s Christmas concerts will continue as scheduled…
Iran begins first human trial of locally made virus vaccine
Middle East

Iran begins first human trial of locally made virus vaccine

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The first study of the safety and effectiveness of a coronavirus vaccine in Iran began Tuesday,…
Coronavirus infections in Egypt 20 times the official figures: University professor
Health & Fitness

Coronavirus infections in Egypt 20 times the official figures: University professor

A professor of chest diseases at the Qasr al-Aini Faculty of Medicine Maysa Sharaf-Eddin warned Monday that the true number…
Egypt confirms 1,359 new coronavirus cases, total now 133,900

Egypt confirms 1,359 new coronavirus cases, total now 133,900

Egypt’s Health Ministry on Tuesday confirmed 1,359 new coronavirus cases, the country’s tally up to 133,900, ministry spokesperson Khaled Megahed…
The Latest: India confirms UK variant in 6 recent returnees

The Latest: India confirms UK variant in 6 recent returnees

NEW DELHI — India has found six people who returned from the United Kingdom in recent weeks infected with a…
More COVID-19 vaccines in the pipeline as US effort ramps up

More COVID-19 vaccines in the pipeline as US effort ramps up

A huge US study of another COVID-19 vaccine candidate got underway Monday as states continue to roll out scarce supplies…
Iran says Pfizer vaccine batch expected from US benefactors
Middle East

Iran says Pfizer vaccine batch expected from US benefactors

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — An unidentified group of US-based philanthropists plans to send 150,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to…
Lebanon reserving nearly 2 million coronavirus vaccines
Middle East

Lebanon reserving nearly 2 million coronavirus vaccines

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s health minister said Monday his country has reserved nearly two million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine…
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