constituent assembly makeup

Al-Azhar, church leaders discuss constituent assembly crisis

Al-Azhar, church leaders discuss constituent assembly crisis

Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb is meeting on Wednesday with acting Coptic Pope Pachomius to discuss developments in the constituent…
Shater’s nomination behind failure of constituent assembly, says MP

Shater’s nomination behind failure of constituent assembly, says MP

MP Essam Sultan of the Wasat party, who has been working as a mediator to resolve the deadlock over the…
Mediation fails to solve constituent assembly stalemate

Mediation fails to solve constituent assembly stalemate

The general coordinator of the Freedom and Justice Party-led Democratic Alliance, Wahid Abdel Meguid, said a meeting of the committee…
Coptic Orthodox Church to boycott Islamist-dominated constituent assembly

Coptic Orthodox Church to boycott Islamist-dominated constituent assembly

The Coptic Orthodox Church decided to boycott the Islamist-dominated panel charged with drafting Egypt’s future constitution, state-run news agency MENA…
Coptic church withdraws representatives from constituent assembly

Coptic church withdraws representatives from constituent assembly

State-run MENA news service reported on Thursday that the Coptic Orthodox Church withdrew its representatives from the constituent assembly that…
Tahrir calm Friday morning after protest canceled

Tahrir calm Friday morning after protest canceled

Tahrir Square was calm on Friday morning after the Union of Revolutionary Youth canceled a demonstration dubbed the “Constitution for…
Nubians accuse Brotherhood of excluding them from constituent assembly

Nubians accuse Brotherhood of excluding them from constituent assembly

Nubian leaders in Aswan accused the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party of excluding them from the constituent assembly during…
FJP swaps 10 constituent assembly members with liberals amid outcry

FJP swaps 10 constituent assembly members with liberals amid outcry

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) withdrew 10 of its members from the constituent assembly and replaced them…
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