
Divisions between ElBaradei and NAC

Divisions between ElBaradei and NAC

Relations between Mohamed ElBaradei and members of the National Association for Change (NAC) have soured, in light of the ex-IAEA…
The plan to stifle ElBaradei

The plan to stifle ElBaradei

Mohamed ElBaradei's star is fading on the political and media scene. A staple for newspapers since his return, ElBaradei is…
Egyptian activists mark the 62 Nakba Day

Egyptian activists mark the 62 Nakba Day

Nearly one hundred Egyptian activists protested Saturday to mark the 62nd Nakba Day in downtown Cairo, voicing criticism to their…
The People’s Democratic Movement: A holistic vision for change

The People’s Democratic Movement: A holistic vision for change

The Emergency Law, which has given the Egyptian government sweeping powers to detain citizens for the last three decades, has…


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