Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu paints grim picture of peace talks for Kerry

Netanyahu paints grim picture of peace talks for Kerry

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday peace talks with the Palestinians had failed to make real progress and…
Israel’s Lieberman rejoining government after acquittal

Israel’s Lieberman rejoining government after acquittal

Former Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman will return to the cabinet after his acquittal in a corruption trial on Wednesday,…
Netanyahu says Israel ready for any scenario in Syria

Netanyahu says Israel ready for any scenario in Syria

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the Jewish state was prepared for "every possible scenario" in neighboring Syria…
Analysis: Israeli-Palestinian riddle won’t answer Middle East’s wider woes

Analysis: Israeli-Palestinian riddle won’t answer Middle East’s wider woes

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which once transfixed the Arab world, has lost much of its resonance in a Middle East riven…
Israel media question Netanyahu motives for talks

Israel media question Netanyahu motives for talks

As senior Israeli and Palestinian envoys resumed long-stalled peace talks in Washington, Israeli media questioned the motives of Prime Minister…
Israel cabinet votes on Palestinian prisoner release

Israel cabinet votes on Palestinian prisoner release

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will seek cabinet approval on Sunday for a contentious release of 104 veteran Palestinian and…
Netanyahu sees Morsy fall as sign of political Islam’s weakness

Netanyahu sees Morsy fall as sign of political Islam’s weakness

BERLIN  - In rare remarks on Egypt's government crisis, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested that the fall of…
Israeli prisoner in Egypt petitions for international intervention

Israeli prisoner in Egypt petitions for international intervention

Ouda Tarabin, an Israeli citizen imprisoned in Egypt since 2000 on espionage charges, accused his country of betraying its pledge…
Israel razes structures in West Bank settler outposts

Israel razes structures in West Bank settler outposts

Israeli forces on Tuesday razed four temporary structures in two West Bank settler outposts, police said, in an operation just…
Ex-general Yaalon named as Israeli defense minister

Ex-general Yaalon named as Israeli defense minister

  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose Moshe Yaalon, a right-wing former armed forces chief, to be Israel's defense minister on…
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