ahmed Shafiq

Copts fear an Islamist president, mostly back Shafiq or Moussa

Copts fear an Islamist president, mostly back Shafiq or Moussa

Egypt's Coptic Christians complained of discrimination under Hosni Mubarak but fear it may get worse if an Islamist takes his…
In Delta, Shafiq campaign finds broad support

In Delta, Shafiq campaign finds broad support

More than 3,000 people of various political backgrounds attended a rally Sunday supporting presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq in Kordy, a…
Shafiq says might appoint Christian woman as deputy

Shafiq says might appoint Christian woman as deputy

Presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq hinted Monday that he might appoint a Christian woman as his deputy if he is elected…
FJP leader: Fraudulent elections for Shafiq ‘over our dead bodies’

FJP leader: Fraudulent elections for Shafiq ‘over our dead bodies’

MP Mohamed al-Beltagy, secretary of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice party, said that the promotion of presidential candidate Ahmed…
Health Ministry investigates use of its cars in campaigning for Shafiq

Health Ministry investigates use of its cars in campaigning for Shafiq

Health Minister Fouad al-Nawawy ordered Monday an immediate investigation into allegations that the supporters of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq used…
Shafiq responds to critics

Shafiq responds to critics

A volley of accusations against Wasat Party MP Essam Sultan was the subject of a campaign event for presidential candidate…
Cabinet poll suggests Ahmed Shafiq leads presidential race

Cabinet poll suggests Ahmed Shafiq leads presidential race

Presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafiq leads the presidential race, according to an opinion poll conducted by the Cabinet’s Information and Decision…
Egypt’s generals will still have influence after returning to the barracks

Egypt’s generals will still have influence after returning to the barracks

Near the rock-strewn scene of a bloody anti-army protest, Islamist, liberal and other politicians sat with ruling generals this month…
Shafiq campaign boasts he shot down 2 Israeli planes in war

Shafiq campaign boasts he shot down 2 Israeli planes in war

Egyptian presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq's campaign boasted on Saturday that the former air force chief had shot down two Israeli…
MP corruption accusation against Shafiq referred to public prosecutor

MP corruption accusation against Shafiq referred to public prosecutor

People’s Assembly Speaker Saad al-Katatny decided Sunday to refer corruption allegations against presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafiq to the attorney general.…
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