ahmed Shafiq

Wasat Party MP: Interior Ministry is rigging elections for Shafiq

Wasat Party MP: Interior Ministry is rigging elections for Shafiq

Wasat Party MP Essam Sultan submitted an urgent message to People's Assembly speaker Saad al-Katatny requesting that he hold an…
Israel becomes a target in coming presidential vote

Israel becomes a target in coming presidential vote

Israel has become a punching bag for politicians vying for votes in Egypt's presidential race, playing on popular antipathy in…
Brotherhood served under Mubarak regime too, says Shafiq

Brotherhood served under Mubarak regime too, says Shafiq

Presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafiq resumed his criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday and defended himself from allegations that he…
Brotherhood MPs accuse SCAF of backing Shafiq, warn of tampering with votes

Brotherhood MPs accuse SCAF of backing Shafiq, warn of tampering with votes

In its third consecutive session, Parliament has again attacked candidates competing in the presidential election, with parliamentarians from the Brotherhood’s…
April 6 keeps battle against Mubarak regime alive in Daqahlia

April 6 keeps battle against Mubarak regime alive in Daqahlia

Activists from the April 6 Youth Movement are taking to the ahwas, alleyways and marketplaces of Mansoura and its surrounding…
Shafiq: Relations with Saudi Arabia priority over Iran

Shafiq: Relations with Saudi Arabia priority over Iran

Presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafiq has said that if elected president he would work to develop deep and strategic relations with…
Shafiq campaign criticizes Reuters, denies using NDP headquarters

Shafiq campaign criticizes Reuters, denies using NDP headquarters

Former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq's presidential campaign on Wednesday morning denied media reports that he was using former offices of…
Nour Party spokesperson says pointing out defects of Moussa, Shafiq is national duty

Nour Party spokesperson says pointing out defects of Moussa, Shafiq is national duty

Salifi Nour Party spokesperson Nader Bakkar said on Tuesday that pointing out the defects of presidential candidates of Ahmed Shafiq…
Abouel Fotouh, Shafiq accuse each other of sabotaging campaigns

Abouel Fotouh, Shafiq accuse each other of sabotaging campaigns

Presidential candidates Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh and Ahmed Shafiq on Tuesday exchanged accusations of assaulting supporters and tearing down campaign…
Shafiq threatens protesters if he wins presidential election

Shafiq threatens protesters if he wins presidential election

“Wishful thinking,” said presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq, commenting on certain MPs and representatives of political forces saying they would oust…
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