The Strong Egypt Party lauded President Mohamed Morsy’s cancellation of the constitutional declaration, but also announced the launch of a campaign mobilizing voters against the new constitution.
In a statement posted on its Facebook page, the party said that since the political leadership is not going back on its decision to hold the referendum on its scheduled date, the party will begin a campaign to persuade voters to reject the new constitution, saying that the draft does not satisfy the demands of the revolution.
Morsy issued a fresh constitutional declaration Saturday that canceled the results of the first, but kept the date of the constitution referendum, scheduled for Saturday, unchanged.
Party leader Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh said Saturday that the new constitution does not satisfy 70 percent of Egyptians, and that it still gave the president broad powers. He added that he handed the president a proposal 14 October suggesting certain amendments, but none of his ideas were taken into account.
“I do not deny the fact that members of the Constituent Assembly exerted huge efforts in writing the constitution,” he said, “but I have to say that several articles are defective, particularly those concerning social justice, the powers of the president and the military institution.”