The Strong Egypt Party has invited all political forces that have endorsed the newly drafted constitution to a public debate.
The group said they have already confirmed the attendance of Yasser Borhamy, vice president of the Salafi Daawa.
Led by former Muslim Brotherhood member Abdel Moneim Aboul Fatouh, the Strong Egypt Party had publicly rejected the referendum as well as the ouster of Morsy.
The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy, a group mainly comprised of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, has called for a complete boycott of the referendum.
Other groups, like the April 6 Movement, have also come out against the amended constitution, due to concerns over the enshrinement of the military’s role in politics and of military trials for civilians.
The Tamarod Movement has said although they express resevation over certain articles, they still will endorse the draft in order for Egypt to move forward.