
Stock market indices show mixed performance at close of trading

CAIRO, Aug 12 (MENA) – Egyptian Exchange (EGX) indices showed mixed performance at close of Monday’s trading backed by strong purchases by Egyptian institutions and foreign investment funds, along with Arab investors and foreigners against sales by Egyptian investors and Arab institutions.

The market capitalization of shares of companies listed on the stock exchange gained about nine billion LE ending transactions at LE2.041 trillion, amid total transactions amounting to about LE142.9 billion, which included transactions in the main dealers’ market and ownership transfer deals, while stock market transactions amounted to about LE4.9 billion.

The main index of the Egyptian Stock Exchange, “EGX 30,” rose by 0.59 percent to reach 29,706.7 points, while the index of small and medium-sized stocks, “EGX 70,” declined by 0.73 percent to reach 6,605.36 points. The declines included the broader EGX 100 index, which fell by about 0.51 percent to end trading at 9,523.55 points. (MENA)

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