Health & FitnessLife & Style

Step one: Choosing the right fitness program

Planning a fitness program is a lifelong progress. The aim of attaining better fitness and losing weight depends mainly on one’s ability to adjust one's fitness program to the multiple changes the human body goes through as a result of regular exercise. One’s fitness program needs continuous trimming and developing in order to meet these physical changes and to avoid repetition and boredom.

To pick the right fitness program for you, there are a number of elements that should be considered. Here is a list of these factors–but always remember that the ideal program will combine all these elements together to create the perfect workout routine.

1. Ambitious goals, small milestones

Yes, most of us would like to look like Hollywood stars. Some ladies would kill for a body like Megan Fox, while others would prefer the fullness of Beyoncé Knowles. The gents are divided between Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's bulky body and Chris Evans’ perfect-for-superhero-outfit looks.

So set a big goal for yourself–one that will require years of training and exercise. But don’t forget to set small milestones for yourself: you can’t possibly drop all the weight you want to after two or three workout sessions, so–instead of beating yourself up when these goals aren't reached overnight–know that smaller goals can be reached relatively quickly if you plan them intelligently. Seth Rogen, the comedian known for being chubby two years ago, managed to lose all the weight he wanted to lose, even if it took him two years. There's no reason why you can’t do the same.

2. Pick the right exercise set

Many different factors can effect our choice of exercise. Benefit, convenience and our own personal preferences are among these. The balance between the different reasons for opting for this or that exercise set should be maintained at all times. Notice that each and every one of these factors supports a mental or physical reason why you’re exercising in the first place. If you decided to go to the gym, for example–despite your dislike of weightlifting–you might end up resenting the whole routine.

Some people are more into cardiovascular exercises, and–although the results of these workouts can be slower or less immediately evident–they choose the cardio studio because they like it, and therefore keep coming back for more.

3. Do I need a personal trainer?

Maybe you do, maybe you don’t–you’re the only person who can answer this question. Personal trainers, especially if they're chosen wisely after sufficient due diligence, can help you create the perfect workout schedule for your particular body. Don’t hesitate, however, to be proactive when creating your program–you need to take control of your own body development in order to arrive at the best routine for you.

Some people dislike personal trainers–they're always busy; you need to adjust your schedule to theirs; they push your limits in the gym room the wrong way; make you feel bad, etc. These fears, however, are not related to the idea of hiring a personal trainer as much as they are to your previous experience with trainers.

If you have enough confidence in yourself to plan your own workout, then you should do just that. But if you’re willing to try your luck again, wait for an upcoming article on how to choose the right personal trainer, coming soon to Al-Masry Al-Youm's Life & Style section.

4. Nutrition and Diet programs:

“Do I need nutritional supplements?” is a question most people ask their personal trainers or fitness instructors. And in most cases, the answer should be a definitive “No, you don’t–but you need a diet program.”

There's nothing a supplement can do that a good planned diet program can’t. Why would you expose yourself to the possible chemical side-effects of supplements when you can attain the same high energy levels and protein amounts by enjoying healthy, chemical-free meals?

Plan your nutrition schedule right and you'll see the results first hand, especially if you take the advice of an experienced nutritionist. Most people think of diets as a kind of controlled starvation program aimed only at reducing fat, but nothing is further from the truth: diets aren't about starving yourself, but about delivering the nutritional elements your body needs–in the right amounts and at the right times.

5. Inject fitness into your lifestyle

Planning your fitness schedule around your busy lifestyle is a prerequisite for maintaining your ability–mentally and physically–to take your workout to the next level. You will need stamina, willpower and motivation in order to stay on track when you begin your new program.

Pushing yourself beyond your limits isn't advisable if you want to continue working out in the long term. So, organize your priorities, and make sure fitness is one of them–but don't forget to leave a little room in your busy day for some fun and downtime.

6. Celebrate achievements
Finally, once you begin working out, be sure to note your achievements–and enjoy the accompanying burst of happiness and self-esteem when you do. After all, celebrating your achievements represents the final, and perhaps most important, element of your entire fitness project.

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