The Ministry of Social Solidarity announced it has eradicated illiteracy from more than a million young women and men, most of whom are from the families of the “Takaful and Karama” initiative.
The announcement comes in conjunction with International Literacy Day.
The head of the Knowledge and Research Unit at the Ministry of Social Solidarity Samir al-Feki, said that Sharqiya leads the governorate with the most participation in the “No Illiteracy with Takaful” program, with Menoufia in second place.
The turnout rate decreases in the governorates of Dakahlia and Giza, but rises again in the Upper Egypt governorates of Sohag, Luxor, Aswan, and Assiut, Feki said.
Feki noted that the age group most interested in the initiative is from 20-30 years.
If a beneficiary suffers health issues preventing them from going to classes, Feki assured that the ministry can provide home tutoring.
“We try to go to all the beneficiaries in their places. Education is a right, not a gift,” he said, adding that the goal is to help people complete their educational journeys.