Sixteen workers of a factory for ready-made clothes were injured in a collision between a microbus and a pickup truck south of Port Said on Sunday.
Ambulance cars transferred the workers to the Public Port Said Hospital, with physicians and a medical team from the Central Zohour Hospital providing treatment.
According to the medical report, the workers suffered from concussions, bruising and wounds across their bodies.
Chief of Port Said Security Hesham Khatab moved to the Public Port Said Hospital to follow up the worker’s health condition. Speaking to the families of the injured, he asserted that they were all in good condition.
Egypt loses roughly 12,000 lives to traffic accidents every year. The country has a road traffic fatality rate of 42 deaths per 100,000 population, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Forty-eight percent of those killed are passengers of four-wheelers, though pedestrians also constitute a significant proportion at 20 percent.
According to a Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) report on 2017 accidents, accidents on roads resulted in 3,747 deaths, 13,998 injuries, and 17,201 damaged vehicles.
The report adds that the main cause of accidents is the human factor, with 78.9 percent of total cases, followed by vehicle defects with 14 percent, and environmental causes (eg. road conditions) with 2 percent of total accidents.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm