Egypt’s Foreign Minister and President Designate of the 27th session of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) Sameh Shoukry on Tuesday underlined the importance of taking faster steps to mitigate climate change and implement relevant international obligations through tangible projects, calling for drawing on the international success stories in this regard.
Shoukry’s statements, which were recorded, were made as part of his participation in a roundtable titled Africa Regional Forum On Climate Change Initiatives: Funding Climat Action and Sustainable Development Objectives”.
He underlined the importance of providing the necessary funding, noting that current international challenges required a collective action to support the international agenda on climate.
The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the roundtable, which was organized by the Egyptian presidency of the COP27 in cooperation with the UN Economic Committee on Africa in Addis Ababa, comes as part of ongoing preparations for holding COP27 conference in Sharm El Sheikh in November.
Egypt announced Sunday it would hold five regional roundtables over the coming two months in its role as president of the 2022 UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in an unprecedented initiative to catalyse investments in different climate sectors.
The Egyptian initiative will put climate projects, investors, companies, international financing entities, development banks and other stakeholders at one table with the aim of actually implementing projects that help achieve climate action goals, according to a statement by the office of the UN Climate Change High Level Champion for Egypt.
The roundtables are organized by Egypt in cooperation with UN regional committees and UN high level climate champions, said the statement.
The first roundtable will take place in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa as the home of the UN regional economic committee for Africa on 2-4 August.
Bangkok will host the second roundtable on 25 August for the Asia-Pacific region, while Santiago will host the third roundtable on 1-2 September for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Beirut will host the Arab world roundtable on 15 September, while Geneva will host the last roundtable on 20 September for Europe.
The outcome of the five meetings will be announced during COP27, slated to be held in November in Sharm El-Sheikh. (MENA)