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Severe heat wave strikes Egypt for end of summer: EMA

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) anticipates a temporary heat wave to strike the country.

The head of the Climate Change Center at the EMA, Mohamed Ali Fahim, said that temperatures will hit unusual values ​​for the end of the summer.

This is one of the repercussions of the El Nino phenomenon in its new cycle, he explained, which began in late June and will continue for three to five months.

Weather maps predict that Egypt will be exposed to a severe heat wave in all parts, due to the influence of a closed low pressure system hitting the northern regions of Libya.

The low pressure system is impacting Egypt’s weather, which is receiving a hot front of the low pressure system, resulting in a rise in temperatures across the country.

It will peak on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with temperatures exceeding 40C in most parts of the country and reaching 42-43C in the south.

Weather maps also show increased morning fog on highways and agricultural areas in Lower Egypt, with some northern rain showers.


Sunday’s weather

The EMA predicts that Sunday will be hot and humid during the day across most of the country, and very hot in South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt.

As for the weather at night, it will be hot and humid in most parts.

Weather maps monitored moderate wind activity, occasionally active across the nation.

Rain will fall on the northeastern coasts at intermittent intervals, while satellites have monitored the formation of low and medium clouds over the northern regions up to Greater Cairo, which will help alleviate the rising temperatures.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm 

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