Director Mohamed Diab announced that actress Saba Mubarak will take part in the last episode of the “Moon Knight” series, which is scheduled to be shown this week on the Disney+ platform.
Mubarak will be voicing the character “Ammit”, also portrayed by actress Sophia al-Asir, Diab announced through a post on his Facebook page.
“The graphic characters are like Khonshu, consisting of an actor who played the role and kinetic representation (Karim al-Hakim) and an actor who performed the voice acting (F. Murray Abraham), and the two of them are no less important than each other. In the last episode, the character of Ammit excellently played by Sophia al-Asir, and voiced by the star Saba Mubarak. I am fortunate to have worked with them,” he wrote.
Moon Knight stars Oscar Isaac, Ethan Hawke, and Mai al-Qalamawy, written by Jeremy Slater, and directed by Mohamed Diab.