Runoffs for the first round of elections for the upper house of Parliament, the Shura Council, began Tuesday at 8 am. Polls are set to close at 7 pm.
Polling will take place just today for single-winner seats in Cairo, Alexandria, Fayoum, Assiut, Red Sea, Daqahlia, Gharbiya, Monufiya, New Valley, North Sinai, South Sinai, Damietta and Qena governorates.
Two more days of elections for party list-based seats will be held in Qena and Monufiya, as polling in those two governorates was previously postponed pending court rulings to add more party lists to the ballots.
The Shura Council elections have seen a voter turnout compared to People’s Assembly elections, which concluded early this year.
The process has gone smoothly since the start of polling, which is completely supervised by judges. Two representatives for each candidate are allowed inside polling stations.
During the upper house elections’ first round, Islamists won a majority of the seats they contested.