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Rare weather phenomenon cools down heat wave in Egypt

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) expects temperatures to fall below normal for this time of the year, with chances of rain fall especially in the coastal governorates and northern parts of the country.

The EMA explained that Egypt is affected by a rare depression from Greece, which leads to the flow of an air mass with lower temperatures.

Expected temperatures on Saturday:

  • Alexandria: 34C
  • Cairo: 37C
  • Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada: 41C
  • Luxor: 43C
  • Aswan: 44C

Very hot and humid weather will still prevail on Saturday during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai and south of the country, while hot and humid on the northern coasts.

The weather at night will be hot and humid for most of the country, with moderate and humid temperature on the northern coasts.

Weather maps showcase moderate intermittent wind activity on the northeastern coasts and South Sinai.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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