Personal Representative of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to the G20 and BRICS and Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs ambassador Ragy al-Etreby is taking part in the meetings of the Personal Representatives of the Leaders of the G20 countries this week in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The meeting is the first of its kind since the presidency of the “G20” was transferred from Brazil to South Africa and is scheduled to witness negotiations on the priorities and targets of the group during the year 2025.
In statements Monday, the presidential representative to the Brics said Egypt’s participation in the Johannesburg meetings came upon an invitation to President Sisi from South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to participate in the various “G20” meetings and after South Africa assumed the year-long presidency of the group on the first of December.
Etreby explained that participation in the meetings of the group next year would be Egypt’s third consecutive participation and the fifth since the group’s inception, reaffirming the G20’s view of Egypt as an important partner in various economic and political issues discussed by the group.
Egypt is a country with a clear vision towards international and regional challenges through incorporating its capabilities, along with its historical leverage, thus contributing to its constant effective and balanced role towards efforts meant to restore security and stability in the region, he said.
The President’s personal representative also said the South African invitation to Egypt also comes within the framework of strong relations that unite the two countries, leadership, government and people, highlighting presidential directives on the necessity of providing necessary support to South Africa during its presidency of the group, especially in light of an agreement between the two countries.
The two countries see eye-on-eye on issues that should be given priority in discussions within the upcoming months; including taking tangible steps towards reforming the multilateral economic system with its various international institutions and mechanisms in a way that renders it more just, balanced and influential, he added.
Etreby expressed Egypt’s full confidence in the success of South Africa’s presidency of the G20 and its ability to bring forward development issues of key concern to the African continent on the top of the group’s agenda during the upcoming stage, especially as relates to addressing the debt problem, enhancing development financing, facing climate change challenges, as well as promoting the representation of African countries in international economic institutions.