
Qadhafi’s cousin flees to Cairo

Ahmed Kadaf al-Dam, cousin of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi, fled the Libyan capital of Tripoli on Monday and arrived in Cairo aboard a private jet together with five others. Upon his arrival, he declined to comment on the recent developments in Libya.

Born in Egypt in 1952 to a Libyan father and an Egyptian mother, Kadaf al-Dam was responsible for coordinating security cooperation between Libya and Egypt. He was considered part of the senior security officials in the Libyan regime.

Arab news reports indicate that he has relatives from the Awlad Ali tribes, who have dual nationality and live on the border between Egypt and Libya.
Reports also indicate that he tried to quell demonstrations in the eastern city of Benghazi, where protests demanding Qadhafi’s ouster had erupted on 17 February.

It is believed that more than 233 Libyans were killed in clashes with the army, It is believed that more than 233 Libyans were killed in clashes with the army, the police and Qadhafi's personal militias. Reports state that Libyan authorities used excessive force and live ammunition to disperse protesters.



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