
Population survey: Family size, child mortality, contraception

The 2014 census on Egypt's population, as well as information on child mortality and contraception, was revealed by Health Minister Adel al-Adawy on Sunday. 
The average number of individuals in one family is estimated at 4.1, according to Adawy, and 13 percent of families are run by women. Additionally, more than one third of family members are below the age of 15 years old.
Ninety-one percent of families have access to drinking water, while 2 percent get water from unsafe sources. With regards to commodities, 90 percent of Egyptians have mobile phones, 9 percent own a private car and 8 percent own motorbikes.
The population survey, according to the minister, indicates an ongoing decline in child mortality. Infant mortality affects 22 infants out of every 1,000 born. Additionally, 27 out of every 1,000 children die under the age of five.
One quarter of the women who got married between 15 and 49 years old are uneducated, Adawy said, adding that 57 percent of the women use contraceptives.The use of contraceptives increased substantially between 1980 and 2000, after which the numbers became stabalized, later fluctuating between 57 and 60 percent over the past several years.
Adawy concluded his statement by saying that Egypt still has important challenges to face, which will require unity and more work. Among the challenges is obesity, from which 48 percent of Egyptian women suffer.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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