
Political parties and coalitions call for investigating Abbasseya clashes

Group of political parties, coalitions and movements in Egypt on Sunday called on authorities to investigate assaults on Saturday’s peaceful march. The march started from Tahrir Square and proceeded to the Ministry of Defense.

In Sunday’s joint statement, they said that the Abbasseya clashes brought 2 February back to the mind when thugs, on camels and horses, attacked protesters in Tahrir Square. The thugs had been incited by National Democratic Party figures.

The statement added that the ‘vicious’ incidents were watched by all security personnel including military police and central security forces, which raises suspicion of their involvement in the attacks.

The Ministry of Health has estimated the total number of the injured at 296, 196 of which were treated on the spot while the rest were transferred to hospitals. All of them were released from hospitals following treatment.

The statement called on the ruling Supreme Council for the Armed Forces (SCAF) and the cabinet to bear responsibility for what happened.

It also demanded immediately forming a committee to investigate the assaults, including the role of state media, which is accused of inciting against peaceful protesters.

The Social Democratic Egyptian Party, Popular Alliance Party, Free Awareness Party, Egyptian Trend Party, The Free Egyptian Movement, Democratic Front Party, Tagammu Party, Karama Party, Union of Revolutionary Youth and other groups signed the statement.

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