
Police uncover origins of viral Egyptian video showing child in driver seat of train

Criminal investigation services in Egypt have tracked down the origins of a viral social media video showing a child in the driver’s seat of a moving train.

The clip shows a young boy seated in the driving cabin accompanied by a person filming him, who then shouted that the train would stop causing some people to panic.

The investigation found that the video was filmed in 2018 inside a train heading from Kafr al-Sheikh station to Qillin station.

Investigations also found that there were two people from Kafr al-Sheikh inside the train cabin. After taking legal procedures, they were arrested and confronted with the video. The suspects claimed they had been inside an unused back-up locomotive cabin.

They stated that the filmed the video as a joke, and that the person who had uploaded it was a friend of theirs.

The uploader was arrested and confessed to authorities that he had intended for the video to be on WhatsApp only, and was surprised by how it spread online.

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