
PM: New administrative capital’s site excellent

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb said that thinking of a new administrative capital has become essential due to the current deteriorated situation in Cairo. He added that when looking toward the future, the necessity of having a new administrative capital is undeniable.
In an interview with the privately-owned TV channel Al-Qahera wal Nas on Saturday, Mehleb said the name of the new capital might be up for discussion.
The new capital’s site is excellent for being close to the new roads network and the Suez Canal, while still being far away from the Cairo Airport and downtown.
Regarding energy projects, Mehleb said that energy was a top priority according to instructions by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to the Cabinet. He referred to a rescue plan that will be completed in June which will face any electricity malfunctions by having new stations with a 3,600 megawatt capacity.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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