Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouly on Saturday 07/10/2023 attended – on behalf of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi – a simulation model of the “ICESCO Youth Year” conference which is organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).
General Director of ICESCO Simulation Ekramy Youssi reviewed a briefed report on ICESCO achievements during the first half of 2023, noting that the organization managed to recruit a number of distinguished and creative youths with almost 41 percent of them are under the age of 35.
She added that as many as 50 male and female youths have joined the ICESCO peace ambassadors program.
Besides offering training for 150 fresh graduates, the ICESCO has launched the third edition of a training workshop in Turkey on designing an educational satellite, Youssi added.
As for achievements realized by the ICESCO committees in the educational domain, Sharifa Nubiza who is one of the youths taking part in the simulation model of the “ICESCO Youth Year” conference shed light on the global fast-paced developments in the spheres of education and technology, underlining the necessity of reinforcing the educational systems and honing skills of youths.
The educational committees have outlined a set of recommendations and initiatives to ensure engagement and interaction with students with regards to the educational systems, Nubiza said.
She called for setting up innovation labs for youths, providing support to startups and accelerating the introduction of development programs at all educational stages.