Several parents of children who attend private school demonstrated outside the Education Ministry Tuesday, in protest against the tuition fee hike. They said they were surprised the fees had almost doubled this year.
When the parents asked about the reason behind the increase, they were told the schools provided a unique service, but parents could transfer their children to other schools if they objected to the decision.
The Education Department in eastern Nasr City is being accused by the parents of collusion with the private schools under its control as several complaints have been filed against the schools, but the department has yet to take any action.
"The school has increased expenses from LE8,000 to LE16,000 without warning," said Amal Mohamed about Harvard School.
The owner of Harvard School said the expenses were defined by the Education Ministry and not the school, and parents needed to pay LE2,000 if they want to transfer their children to other schools, Mohamed added.
In related news, a number of students who got the Secondary School Certificate from Sudan and Libya in 2013 demonstrated outside the Higher Education Ministry to demand the right to attend Egyptian universities.
The ministry issued an arbitrary decision subjecting students to a number of conditions in order for them to enroll in universities, they said. The Administrative Court issued a ruling in the students' favor, but the ministry has not implemented it, said the protesters.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm