The Arab Forum for Online Journalism (AFOJ) is gearing up to host the 5th edition of its annual awards in the last week of March in Cairo.
The forum’s role is not limited to recognizing award-worthy work, but also provides a number of training programs, workshops and seminars in an effort to hone participants' journalistic skills.
Trailblazing journalists across the Middle East who work for the Arabic press are invited to apply for the awards until Sunday, February 7.
Home to 1,000 online journalists across 15 countries in the Middle East, AFOJ is perceived as the region’s premier venue where pioneering digital journalists, academics and prestigious media figures come together under one roof to pave the way for promising journalists.
During the one-day event on February 7, a considerable number of participants are set to go through an eye-opening journey through which they will learn hands-on experience, broaden their journalistic horizon, expand their professional network and discuss industry advancements and challenges.
This year AFOJ will recognize remarkable achievements across 11 online journalism fields, including specialized journalism, investigative journalism, interview journalism, feature journalism, radio broadcast journalism, TV broadcast journalism, photojournalism, video journalism, print media, best online journalist and the Online Journalism University Project.
Online journalists can apply by sending in five samples of their work to [email protected], specifying the award they are applying for. They can apply independently or through the institution they work for. Details are provided on the website www.ojforum.org. The Award Selection Jury includes accomplished journalists, academics, online journalism experts and researchers. Winners will be announced at the event’s closing ceremony in the last week of March.
"We are very happy to host the 5th annual Online Journalism Award, through which we encourage Arab online journalists' creativity and highlight the importance of electronic journalism in today's events," said Chairman of the Arab Union for Electronic Media Nader Gohar.
"We want to establish a healthy competitive culture and professionalism among young online journalists for a new information age that resonates with the Arab world's needs and aspirations."
In addition to recognising and awarding the best online journalists, the forum honors leading regional figureheads.
“We are proud to recognize the critical steps taken by regional leaders supporting the advancement and progression of the media and their active engagement to promote national and regional aspirations and uphold the spirit of journalistic integrity, values and professionalism,” said Gohar, adding that this year’s Person of the Year Award would be announced shortly.
The forum, which is organized by Vantage Communications, is part of the Arab Union for Electronic Media (AUEM), a registered non-profit organization.
More details will be announced during the upcoming weeks, Keep tuned:
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