As the Nubian Unity Conference in Aswan concluded on Wednesday, participants asserted the necessity that the new constitution recognize the Nubian right to return to land surrounding Lake Nasser, from which they were displaced during the construction of the Aswan Dam.
Leaders of the Nubian Union, the Nubian Club and Nubian associations in Cairo, Suez, Alexandria, Ismailia and Aswan attended the conference.
Conference participants drafted a list of Nubian demands, including compensation, that could be negotiated with the government. They called for the next constitution to recognize Nubians’ rights, particularly the right to return and be compensated for lost lands.
In addition to compensation for displacement, the draft document demands the establishment of Nubian villages on the shores of Lake Nasser bearing their ancient names, the expedited establishment of a body to oversee the reconstruction of Nubia, and the completion of development projects to settle Nubians in the Karkar Valley.
Edited translation from MENA