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NilePreneurs Initiative mourns researcher Fyrooz Mohamed Saeed

The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship through its official page Facebook published an obituary for researcher Fyrooz Mohamed Saeed, 26, listing her most prominent achievements.

“The Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness – NilePreneurs Initiative at Nile University mourns the dear colleague Fyrooz Mohamed Saeed, who passed away this morning,” the center said in a statement on Sunday.

Saeed prepared and documented the scientific content of the Agrogate Masr platform in partnership with Fayoum University and the Academy of Scientific Research, which represents a comprehensive library of written, audio and visual content for remote agricultural guidance, which made it one of the winners of the ESCWA 2023-2022 Award for one of the best platforms for Arabic digital content.

She also managed the Digital Paths Employment Program in cooperation between Nile University and Sawiris Foundation for Development, which qualified and employed more than 300 trainees at in-demand fields within the labor market, such as website programming, user interface design, digital marketing, sales, and others.

Saeed had also worked on many business development tasks for the Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness at Nile University and prepared project plans and presentations that support innovation, technology and development.

She was distinguished by her diligent and hard work, which will certainly be missed by all who cooperated with her, including colleagues, friends, business partners, trainees, and learners.

“The content that Saeed has developed in general on various platforms has contributed to educating more than 10,000 young men and women. We ask Allah Almighty to make it an ongoing charity in the balance of her good deeds and a good memory for her life and work,” NilePreneurs Initiative said.

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