Human rights organization One World Foundation for Development and Civil Society has urged the amendment of several laws following the election of the next Egyptian parliament.
The group has requested that Prime Minister Sherif Ismail's government ensure the laws adopted by the coming parliament, which will be elected in polls slated for October 18, reflect the state’s commitment to combat corruption and boost transparency.
The organization called for amendments to the law regulating parliamentary elections to ensure additional scrutiny over campaigning finances. It also advocated changes to laws regulating labor, tenders and auctions, money laundering, criminal procedures and political rights.
In addition to the requested amendments, the foundation said the next parliament is required to adopt several legislations regulating the freedom of information, witness protection, the retrieval of stolen funds, the anti-corruption authority and the transitional justice.
One World's recommendations also included more elaborate budgets by citizen-serving ministries, especially the education and health ministries. It called for civil society representatives to be engaged with the Cabinet’s anti-corruption authority until an independent body is formed.