
National Association for Change forms general secretariat

The National Association for Change (NAC), founded by Mohamed ElBaradei, has agreed on an organizational structure including a general secretariat composed of 60 members from across the political spectrum.

Amin Eskandar, one of the NAC leaders, said the organizing committee met two days ago and agreed to set up an executive office composed of ten members. Next week the formation of a general assembly similar to that of political parties will be discussed, he added.

Asked whether the NAC is transforming into a party, Eskandar replied that organizational structures within political parties tend to be complicated, whereas the NAC’s structure is intended to organize its work efficiently.

Meanwhile a movement going by the name “Citizens Against Idiocy” plans to stage a protest on 3 May in front of ElBaradei’s home against what it describes as ElBaradei’s attempts to imitate Egyptian national leader Saad Zaghloul through his calls for gathering proxies to speak in the name of the people. The movement accuses ElBaradei of threatening the livelihoods of expatriate Egyptians by inciting them to violate the laws of their host countries.

Khaled Abdel Fattah, the movement’s coordinator, said the Wefak, Egypt’s Youth, Omma, Free Republican, Arab Socialist and Democratic Unionist parties will all participate in the protest.

Abdel Fattah criticized ElBaradei’s latest actions, saying that ElBaradei has demonstrated that he doesn’t care about the interests of expatriate Egyptians. Abdel Fattah added that those participating in the protest have not been directed by any government entity, but are simply convinced of the importance of the protest.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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