The Muslim Brotherhood on Thursday accused the US of applying double standards with regards to foreign funding for civil society organizations, echoing the position of Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri’s government and the ruling military council.
Brotherhood spokesperson Mahmoud Ghazlan said US threats to cut off aid to Egypt if took legal measures against the Americans involved in the case is proof that the US does not acknowledge that the Egyptian people carried out a revolution to restore freedom, dignity and sovereignty.
“The US treats us as if the former regime is still in power. Nobody has the right to intervene in our judiciary, the symbol of our sovereignty,” he said.
“America does not allow any other country to interfere in its internal affairs, and we must not either,” he added. “If Washington was confident of the innocence of its citizens, it would wait for the Egyptian judiciary to acquit them.”
“America does not allow any foreign organization to open branches and operate without a permit,” he said. “Nor does it allow any country to pump in money without knowing how much it is and where it is spent.”
He also said the United States does not allow any country to interfere in its judiciary. “So why the double standards?” he asked.