Media giant Rupert Murdoch faced accusations of racism on 28 November over the casting of his Twentieth Century Fox’s latest film “Exodus: Gods and Kings” with attackers complaining that the Bible-based plot, based in an Egyptian setting, required a black cast.
Critics decried the selection of Christian Bale for the role of Moses, arguing that the mostly-white cast did not fit with the fact of Egypt as an African nation.
“Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white? All I know are,” Murdoch tweeted on Friday. “Of course Egyptians are Middle Eastern, but far from black. They treated blacks as slaves,” he continued in a separate tweet.
“Other arguments erupted over the casting of Apocalypse in the upcoming X-Men ensemble film. Being an Egyptian, many have stated that casting a white actor [Oscar Isaac] in the role is wrong,” according to the Inquisitr website.