Supporters of former President Hosni Mubarak gathered outside the Police Academy on Thursday for the latest session in the trial of Mubarak, his two sons, former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and six former security officials.
They took the opportunity to accuse the chief prosecutor in the trial of flattering the people by taking the side of the revolution against the former president. They also accused the chief prosecutor of pretending to be one of the revolutionaries.
Also in evidence outside the court were dozens of relatives of those killed in the 25 January uprising. The martyrs’ families demanded retribution from Mubarak, Adly and the policemen accused of killing their loved ones.
The families of the slain held images for their sons and banners demanding swift justice. Families arriving from Alexandria were welcomed warmly by anti-Mubarak protesters outside the academy.
Protesters chanted: “Oh Mubarak, patience, patience, Egypt’s people will dig your grave.”
Authorities tightened security measures at the various gates to the Police Academy, especially gate number eight, through which defendants enter the court. Soldiers and tanks were present along the walls of the academy, while Central Security Forces guarded the entrances with batons and riot shields.
"We expect a ruling before 25 January, although the court still confirms that the [evidence] papers are incomplete, and that the CDs that prove the incidents of murder are not clear because they were shot at night," said one woman whose son Moaz was killed during the uprising.
She added: ”We do not know whether the court is trying to calm our anger before this date or not, but the defense team assured us that the judges will issue a ruling before 25 January, the anniversary of the revolution."
The mother noted that the victims' families will come back "to Tahrir Square on 25 January next, whether the defendants are sentenced or not, because it is the anniversary of the departure of their martyred sons. Mubarak is no longer a president and the proceedings of the trial should continue normally without any embarrassment.”