PM Ilhamy Agena is calling for medical examinations to be conducted on female university students on a regular basis to prove that they are still virgins, bearing in mind the spread of urfi marriages, across Egypt. according to Agina.
Urfi marriages are temporary arrangements deemed legitimate by some Muslims but ruled illegal and immoral by others.
“Any girl who enters any university must be subject to a test to find out if she is a virgin or not. Every girl should submit official documents to her university proving she is a virgin when she enrolls,” Agena told Youm7.
He has advised the Minister of Higher Education to request medical reports from female students at the start of each academic year. He also said female students who fail to do so should not receive their university identification cards.
He continued that any female student who fails to abide by such regulations should be found guilty of an illegitimate marriage, and her parents should be told immediately.
“People should not be upset by my proposition," Agena said. "If you’re upset by this, then you’re afraid, afraid that your daughter is illegitimately married and you don’t know about it.”
Agena urged parliament, the media and heads of all the universities to adopt this campaign to help completely abolish the phenomenon of illegitimate marriages in Egypt.
Aside from this initiative, the MP has also proposed an anti-drug campaign to routinely search all university students, male and female. This campaign is proposed as a means of fighting addiction in university students, something he feels has spread in Egypt of late.