Weather will grow milder throughout the country by night.
Maximum temperatures expected for the following cities are as follows: 82C in Alexandria, 30C in Cairo, 39C in Aswan, 36C in Qena, and 38C in Luxor.
Mist will impact visibility in the morning across the country’s northern parts. Low- and medium-level clouds will cover the north, possibly accompanied by rainfall in the far west of the country as well as in Halayeb and Shalateen.
Winds will be northeastern and moderate, active on South Sinai and in the north of Upper Egypt, disrupting maritime navigation there.
Waves in the Mediterranean Sea will be light to moderate and will range between one and 1.5 meters, while waves in the Red Sea will be moderate and will range between 1.5 and two meters. Northwestern surface winds are expected on both seas.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm