Minister of Social Solidarity Nevine al-Kabbaj announced on Saturday that the first batch of Egyptian pilgrims sent by NGOs is set to return to Cairo as of Monday after performing the Hajj rituals in Saudi Arabia.
The batch, which includes 500 pilgrims from the governorates of Giza, Ismailia and Monufia, will arrive form Jeddah Airport to Cairo, the minister said.
The pilgrims of the NGOs – a total of 5,250 pilgrims – are divided into two groups, Kabbaf said.
The first group, which traveled first to Medinah then to Mecca to perform the Hajj ritual, is planned to return to Cairo from Jeddah Airport.
The second group, which started the holy journey from Mecca first then traveled to Medinah, is scheduled to return to Cairo from Madinah Airport, Kabbaf added.
Meanwhile, Ayman Abdel Mawgod, the assistant minister of social solidarity and head of the Hajj Mission for NGOs, said a group comprising 685 pilgrims will be transported from Mecca to Madinah as of Sunday.
The group includes pilgrims from the governorates of Cairo, South Sinai, Faiyum and Qalubiya, Abdel Mawgod added.