Four people were killed and 10 others were injured, when a microbus overturned, on the agricultural highway in Kafr al-Dawwar, al-Beheira Governorate, Nile Delta.
The Beheira Security Directorate received a notification from the Kafr al-Dawwar Police Station that a microbus overturned on the “Cairo-Alexandria” agricultural highway road, in front of the village of al-Baslaqun.
The ambulances transported the bodies to the mortuary of Kafr al-Dawwar General Hospital. The injured were taken to the same hospital to receive the necessary treatment, first aid and medical examinations.
Declining road accidents
The 2020 report of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) issued in November showed a decrease in the number of deaths due to road accidents to 6,164, compared to 6,722 deaths in 2019, a decrease of 8.3 percent.
Road accident injuries in Egypt decreased during 2020 by 28.9 percent compared to the previous year, where 56,789 injuries were recorded in 2020, compared to 79,904 injuries in 2019.
The lowest number of injuries was in Cairo Governorate was with 219 injuries. CAPMAS noted that the highest month of the year in terms of road accident injuries was January with 6,495 injuries, while June was the lowest month with 3,282 injuries.