Minister of International Cooperation Rania Mashat participated in a panel discussion on “Challenges and Opportunities in the Water-Food -Energy Nexus” during her participation in the 46th session of the IFAD Governing Council in Rome, Italy, which focused on accelerating action for food security in the face of the challenges facing the world, with high-level participation from the IFAD Senior Management, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Heads of State, government and various international organizations.
Mashat said that recent global developments have shown the need for urgent and comprehensive climate action that promotes water, food and energy security, develops solutions to climate challenges and builds resilient and sustainable systems. She pointed out that the Government of Egypt has launched the Country Platform for the Nexus for Water, Food and Energy (NWFE Program), which seeks to explore solutions and use an integrated framework to stimulate the green transition in three key and interconnected sectors: water, food and energy through an effective approach.
The Minister pointed out that the program adopts an approach based on achieving inclusive development and directly benefiting citizens by providing solutions that enable renewable energy at affordable prices, promote food security, and protect the most vulnerable areas from the impacts of climate change to become more livable, especially the Delta areas which is classified as among the most vulnerable areas to climate change.
Mashat said that the NWFE Program includes 9 projects aimed at the equitable transition towards renewable energy, improving resilience and adaptability to climate change in local populations, providing clean water and sustainable management of water resources, stressing that the projects cover the three main axes of climate change mitigation, adaptation, losses and damage.