The largest humanitarian aid convoy from Egypt for Palestinians arrived on Tuesday at Rafah border terminal in North Sinai governorate.
The convoy includes 305 trucks loaded with 4,200 tons of food and humanitarian aid, and 11 equipped ambulances.
The trucks are also laden with large quantities of dry food, ready-to-eat food and canned goods, clothing, blankets, and baby formula and food.
In a telephone interview for “Good Morning Egypt” TV program, Head of the projects sector in Long Live Egypt Fund Hisham Khalifa said that the Fund, in cooperation with civil society organizations, managed to organize this large relief convoy.
This relief aid falls within the framework of the Fund’s efforts to meet the needs of the Palestinians at this critical time, Khalifa said.
The Fund is working on sending the essential and urgent needs for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, he added.
He stressed the dire necessity of exerting all-out efforts to ensure the entry of sustained humanitarian aid to Gaza residents.
He further noted that the Egyptian Red Crescent is coordinating with the Palestine Red Crescent Society in this regard.