
Lady pleads to president to return missing lawyer son

A woman has addressed Egypt’s presidency to return her lawyer son to her.
Aida Mosleh, the mother of Omar al-Araby, called upon President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, during a phone-in conversation with the satellite channel al-Assema early Tuesday, to help her know the whereabouts of her son who, according to her, was “hidden by police following his release from al-Nozha prosecution services.”
“My son works as a lawyer and is the family’s only breadwinner. Security arrested him over charges of sneaking into Sudan (through the borders),” Mosleh said, adding that she had submitted complaints with the prosecution and the interior ministry but in vain.
“I am pleading to the president and state officials, I want to know where my son is,” she stated.
Recent weeks have seen rights groups decrying mysterious disappearances of anti-government activists, accusing security of holding them at unknown locations. The surge in complaints by rights advocates prompted the National Council of Human Rights to look into the incidents.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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