A Kuwaiti man brutally assaulted a female Egyptian doctor at her workplace in the Mubarak al-Kabeer Eastern Medical Center in southern Kuwait, the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower and Immigration said on Tuesday.
In a statement, the ministry assured that it is pursuing the doctor’s full rights in the case.
According to the head of the Labor Representative Office of the Egyptian Embassy in Kuwait Ahmed Ibrahim, the victim had been working in the Mubarak al-Kabeer Eastern Medical Center since 2010.
Ibrahim reported the victim saying that the patient who had come to the medical center to examine his ear on Friday assaulted her in the examination room, beat her to the point of bruising and cut part of her tongue.
As she cried out for help the doctor’s colleagues then rushed in to stop the aggressor, who fled the scene.
Kuwaiti media reports said that the patient had jumped the queue for treatment, with the incident apparently triggered by the doctor asking him to wait for his turn.
The labor attaché said that the doctor then called her husband and moved to the police station. A report was filed on the incident, attached with a medical report from the hospital of her injuries.
Minister of Manpower and Immigration Mohamed Saafan’s statement said that he tasked the Labor Representative Office of the Egyptian Embassy in Kuwait to follow up on the doctor’s condition.
Saafan added that doctor must be in constant contact with the Labor Representative Office, which is following up on the investigations of the relevant Kuwaiti authorities.
Egypt’s ambassador to Kuwait Tarek al-Qouni, the general consul, and the labor and legal advisors of the embassy are all standing by the victim’s side, the minister said.