
Jordan’s FM summons Israeli ambassador

Amman– Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh on Wednesday summoned the Israeli ambassador to Amman and expressed the government's strong condemnation and rejection of an assault by Israeli security forces against two Jordanian employees at the Kingdom's embassy in Tel Aviv, the state-run Petra news agency reported.

Judeh underlined the need that the Israeli government addresses the issue comprehensively in line with related diplomatic norms and conventions, calling for taking measures to ensure that such incidents will not happen in the future.

The foreign ministry handed a letter to the Israeli ambassador providing details on the assault, urging the Israeli authorities to start an investigation into the issue.

Several local media reported that two Jordanian diplomats were questioned for a short period of time by Israeli police on Tuesday and the two men suffered bruises as they were beaten by the police.

Jordan, which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994, was the second Arab country to sign such a deal with Israel after Egypt.

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