
Interior Ministry: 1,079 ‘rioters’ arrested on revolution anniversary

The Interior Ministry issued a statement on Saturday saying that security forces arrested 1,079 rioters who participated in the Muslim Brotherhood's "scheme" to spoil celebrations of the 25 January revolution.
The statement said the Muslim Brotherhood organized marches to impede traffic and block roads, but security forces dealt with them, arresting 1,079, some of whom allegedly possessed weapons and bombs.
"Participants in the protests chanted anti-police and military slogans, rioted, and used bullets, bird shot, Molotov cocktails and fireworks to intimidate citizens," the statement read.
"A number of policemen were injured and attempts to assault police stations, cars and forces were addressed," said the statement.
The statement mentioned that a defendant was arrested possessing an automatic rifle, 48 Molotov cocktails, five cans of gasoline and eight tires that he planned to use to storm Atfeeh Police Station.
It added four others were arrested also possessing Molotov cocktails and medical masks.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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