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Intense heat wave hits Egypt on Tuesday, EMA warns

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) revealed the details of the heat wave that the country will face on Tuesday.

During a phone interview with state TV’s Channel One on Sunday, a member of EMA’s media center Manar Ghanem, said that the temperatures during Sunday and Monday, are around summer averages, with the maximum in Greater Cairo ranging between 34C and 35C.

Starting Tuesday, she added that the country will be exposed to an intense heat wave, with temperatures rising by about four degrees celsius in most of the Egyptian governorates.



This heat wave will continue for at least one week and could even reach the middle of next week, she said, pointing out that humidity levels are rising between 85 to 90 percent which only further increases the feeling of heat.


Tips for dealing with the heat

Ghanem advised avoiding exposure to the sun between 12 noon and four pm, wearing light cotton clothes, being in well-ventilated places, and drinking plenty of water.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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