India has announced that it has produced a new drug to treat the coronavirus titled “2-DG” which will reportedly work against various strains of the virus and halt its growth according to reports from the the Indian ANI agency and various other Indian news outlets.
Al-Watan newspaper published the most important information about the new drug, its availability, dosage and price:
- The drug is the first drug of its kind aimed at treating COVID-19 infection.
- Experts discussed the effectiveness of many drugs, including hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir and ivermectin, with “2-DG” being the first one described as an “anti-coronavirus drug”.
- 2-DG works against different mutations as it stops the growth of the virus.
- Once the growth of the virus is impeded, the body will not need a sudden and excessive demand for oxygen.
- The medicine will be available in bags that will be stored at a temperature below 25C.
- The drug will likely be available next week. The first batch will include 10,000 doses will be produced.
- The Medicines Control Unit in India has allowed this drug to be used in emergency and moderate cases.
- The drug was developed by the Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences of the Defense Research and Development Organization.
- It is a reusable drug, as the “2-DG” molecule is intended for use in also treating tumors and cancer cells and is an analogue of glucose.
- The virus multiplying in the body needs glucose for energy. It will thus feed on the analog glucose from the drug and stop growing.
- The demand for oxygen increases with the virus multiplying rapidly in the body and once this process is stopped, patients will be able to breath easier.
- The drug stops any kind of mutations because the virus will need glucose, and thus the drug will block it.
- The price of the drug has not yet been determined, but its affordability will be taken into account.
- This drug can be taken with water twice a day, and a coronavirus patient may have to take this drug between five and seven days until they recover completely.