President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said in a speech that incidents between 2011-2014 had threatened the existence of the Egyptian state and the capabilities of its people.
In a speech on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the July 23 Revolution, Sisi said, “We had to think seriously about the future and the new republic after the country’s passing through major historical events and a difficult period of chaos and instability. The time has come for the nation to regain its rightful place among nations.”
He stressed that “the glorious July Revolution aspired to get rid of colonialism and foreign domination,” recalling Egypt’s leaders Gamal Abdel Nasser, Mohamed Naguib and Mohamed Anwar Sadat.
“The July revolution established the first republic in seventy years, which has made great achievements in many cases and its path faltered at other times.”
“The hopes of our people touch the edges of the sky, and we work diligently, sincerely, and knowledge to turn these hopes into reality everywhere on the land of Egypt. We know that our great people endured a lot and set an example in patience and steadfastness in front of many crises,” he said.
“We assure you that the state is exerting maximum effort and energy, tirelessly, to provide new and distinguished job opportunities, increase income for citizens, and establish new paths for development and growth of the economy in line with the times and with the aspirations of the people…” Sisi added.
“We assure you that all serious voices are heard for the good of the country and what contributes to building the future and the new reality that we aspire to and work for, sincerely to God and the nation.”